
Public Bookshelves (Öffentliche Bücherschränke)

There are some points for a free book exchange in Kassel. A bookbox is at the corner Friedrich-Ebert-Straße/Querallee. A second one is at the Schwimmbadbrücke on the site of the Buga. One more is is in the Unterneustadt in the Blücherstraße at the corner Maulbeerplantage. A bookshelf is at the entrance bossebachstraße to the botanischen Garten after 200m meters on the right. A bookphonebox is at the campus of the University on the Holländischen Platz. At the entrance of the diaconia association Kirchditmold in the Zentgrafenstraße 174 is a free book exchange as well. In Oberzwehren there will be 2 place to exchange books, in Theodor-Haubach-Straße/next to the fountain and in Alt-Oberzwehren on the corner Rengershäuser Straße/Altenbaunaer Straße.In Wilhelmshöhe, you find one on the corner Wilhelmshöher Alle and Rolandstraße. A last one is in Niederzwehren at the corner Korbacher Straße/ Frankfurter Straße. In Harleshausen, there is a red bookcase at Ossenplatz. On all this places you can take and place books for free.

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